May is Australian Rotary Health Month and the Gellibabies are raising the awareness of mental health issues through a hat day where the idea is that mental illness is not something you should keep under your hat, and it is a problem that needs treatment just like cancer or diabetes.
No matter what ‘hat’ you are wearing during the day it’s important to remember that if you are suffering from a mental illness or are depressed; you’re not alone!!
May is Australian Rotary Health Month and the Gellibabies are raising the awareness of mental health issues through a hat day where the idea is that mental illness is not something you should keep under your hat, and it is a problem that needs treatment just like cancer or diabetes.
No matter what ‘hat’ you are wearing during the day it’s important to remember that if you are suffering from a mental illness or are depressed; you’re not alone!!
To read the full Beacon Click here Beacon Volume 26 Bulletin No 41