0401 501 245
Meeting every 1st and 3rd Tues of the month 6.30pm at the Customs House Hotel, 161 Nelson Place, Williamstown

Beacon 9th October 2012

Today is a really sad day for the Gellibabies, Rotary and the world as we mourn the passing of the one and only Jeffrey Charles Bird. 

Charter Member, Past President, Past District Governor and Paul Harris Fellow are marks of his Rotary achievements but in the world there is much much more. 

Jeff graduated from Melbourne University in Engineering and later completed a Masters in Business, his working career started at Sunshine Council as a graduate engineer later to become City engineer before moving into academia as Senior Lecturer in Business.  His career then turned to running his own business, Selnit-Rex, involved with fabrics and fasteners for the clothing industry before he added roller covering and consultancy to the portfolio.

Throughout this time he and Elaine brought up two wonderful children (now with kids of their own) and contributed to community life in the fullest sense.  From Australian President of Jaycees, Mayor of Williamstown, being a Justice of the Peace as well as membership of more than 30 clubs and associations of which Rotary was one.  

Jeff’s sense of style and purpose was always available to those of us who knew him, he was available to assist with advice, contacts and ideas where the benefit to others was foremost in his mind.  Jeff’s style showed in the wearing of hats! the Panama, the Fez and the Mink, his taste in music and the arts and his love of poetry, his fantastic sketches of travel destinations are admired far and wide and the Gellibabies bow ties are his creation which we all wear with pride.

We Gellibabies can only respect and treasure Jeff’s achievements and memories as we continue to love and support Elaine and the family and say once again ‘Thanks for the Memories Jeff – you’re a gentleman’

To read the full Beacon click here Beacon Volume 27 Bulletin No 16

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