0401 501 245
Meeting every 1st and 3rd Tues of the month 6.30pm at the Customs House Hotel, 161 Nelson Place, Williamstown

Beacon Vol 27 No 71

This week:
We were delighted to welcome the genesis of our RISE (Rotary International Steel Drum Ensemble)
Meeting 21Jan 002
Comprising the leader Christopher Basile, his two sons Adam and Ry and the initiator and manufacturer of Steel Drums in Victoria Gordon Ramsay.
The Welcome was given by Acting President David Dumbrell as our Pres had whipped away to the Emergency Ward for an eye bleed. He nevertheless returned very swiftly and resumed his post, looking like a candidate for our Pirates’Day. Arnold Sackville was also welcomed as a guest and prospective member.


Bunnings BBQ on11th January was expertly organised by our Sergeant Don Ward also provided refreshments at his home after the event. The day netted the club $772 and Don thanked all who had assisted on the day.

David reported that there are presently 56 entries for the Big Bay Swim far more than we have ever had at this amount of time before the event on 23rd Feb. He also said that arrangements were being made for Under18 entries to supply parental permission documents.

PP Faye is organising the Market but needs a volunteer to be briefed on what she has organised and to supervise the marketeers on the day as she cannot be present. Please contact Faye ASAP.

John has arranged for the printing of 900 pens for the Jalna Big Bay Swim and will give every member one bag of 15 to sell at a price of $3 each. Once you have sold these he will give you another bag. He said that the main sponsor are now on-board but we do require more smaller contributors and if you have some ideas of who can sponsor, say around $1000, please contact John who will make contact.

PP Ron has arrange for flyers for our swim to go in the show bags for the Willi LifeSavers Swim and will distribute others to the Australia Day Swim at Brighton with Doug.

John also reported that Kmart have water-pistol-swords available for $2 each and also Water Balloon fillers for our Pirates’ Day.

PP Mick having confirmed the dates for the Challenge Cancer activities, see Below, said that a bus is required to ferry the Dads to Mathowra as the Challenge Bus is not available on the day. It was suggested that the Open Family bus could be available.

Ray our on to Conference Chairman offered a double bed in a 3 bedroom apartment for any of our attendees.

The Sergeant had been dobbed in to his wife for consuming pies at the supermarket and as he could not identify the culprit everybody was fined. As it was a musical night all those who have and play an instrument were fined a silver coin and all the non-musical others copped a gold coin.
Cross fines:
David to Pres Kevin. Having read about a Real Estate Agent who served Meals on Wheels and made “beneficial” offers for the recipients’ houses.

PP Ron took the John Link precedent and fined himself for not informing the club that his horse ‘Wolf Pack’ was likely to and did win at Kilmore.

In that vein Ray told how he and his brother had inherited a greyhound which they raced to no avail and then sold to a Brisbane owner. The dog was found dead in his box on arrival at Brisbane Airport. Lose some, win some.

PP Ron Coleman welcomed our Steel Drum performers and both Chris and Gordon explained the process of manufacturing and playing the drums. It takes Gordon one whole week to make one drum and has to do it well away from civilisation because of the noise.
Chris said that his two sons had only had 2 weeks practise on the drums. They then played a set of three pieces of well-known tunes, and answered many questions from the floor.
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We hope eventually to be able to teach the playing of the drums to disadvantaged youth in our area and will be in touch with Chris and Gordon in the near future.

Posted in : Member Comments