0401 501 245
Meeting every 1st and 3rd Tues of the month 6.30pm at the Customs House Hotel, 161 Nelson Place, Williamstown

Author Archives: steve

Beacon 14th August 2012

This week the Gellibabies were in a different guise!!   The Sergeant had shrunk and grown hair; THE BELL became the ding a ling but FUN was still in the atmosphere at the Royal Victorian Motor Yacht Club supported by some interesting ground breaking research courtesy of out guest speaker. 

In the absence of Sergeant Kevin Gunn the Legal budgie (Geoff King) stepped up to the plate and opened in his inimitable style which eventually allowed President Raimonda to welcome our guests, Annie Wysham from the Rotary Club of Richmond who brought along potential Rotarian Ellie Stevens who has just moved into our area; Kevin O’Connor was with us again; and of course our guest speaker Dr Jeff Craig who spoke of Epigenetics as if they were old friends.  We welcomed back PP Faye from her jaunt in Sri Lanka with her mother, sister and daughter; Jen Burrows from conferencing on the Gold Coast and Marg Francis from the wilds of Monash Uni.

To read the full Beacon click here Beacon Volume 27 Bulletin No 8

Don’t forget to book for the Pink Ribbon Breakfast – see the link at the top of the page

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Beacon 7th August 2012

The Gellibabies were in the grove this week being challenged and entertained by non other than our founding father PP Russell Soppitt.  With a host of guests including interlopers from the Rotary Club of Werribee in the form of Frances Farrugia and Brian Ashworth undertaking a ‘scatter’ meeting where members attend meetings at other clubs for a week.  (Brian is a past Gellibaby now returned to the area after stints in South Gippsland and Bendigo).  We also had visitors courtesy of Kevin the House, his son in law Matt from Perth and old friend Ken Read.  It was so good to see Mary Soppitt with us to try to keep Russell on the politically correct path to public speaking. (She didn’t quite make it but then she loves him anyway) – more later 



To read the full Beacon click here Beacon Volume 27 Bulletin No 7

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Beacon 31st July 2012

This week an Olympics theme with lots of memories of Sydney and the true spirit of friendly competition seen as the main driver of the event rather than all the commercial hype that has surrounded the build up to London 2012.  But here we are, the competition has commenced and performances surprised even the seasoned sports watchers; but all in all still a spectacle to be admired and a vehicle to push forward friendship and peace throughout.  Extending the theme of friendship our guest speakers Jim Markovski and Gum Mamur from the Twentiethman Foundation were with us – more later – including how Jim helped Gum to be the man we see today.

To read the full Beacon click here Beacon Volume 27 Bulletin No 6

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Beacon 24th July 2012

The Gellibabies had heaps of people, lots of fun and the food was great!!

This week was a celebration of winter (Christmas in July) and the place was humming (no not from the cold knocking knees and chattering teeth) but from the conversations and laughter around the club.  The Christmas decorations and candles a plenty were the work of Pres Raimonda and her many helpers in particular Faye, Ellie and Sandra.  It must have taken them ages to get all the things set up!! 

Well Done Ladies!!

To read the full Beacon click here Beacon Volume 27 Bulletin No 5

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Beacon 17th July

President Raimonda warmly welcomed the select group of 15 attendees.  Tonight we were to learn more about our new leader and her roots in Lithuania.Quite a few members away at present, in many cases escaping the winter cold!!



To read the full Beacon click here Beacon Volume 27 Bulletin No4

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Beacon 10th July

President Raimonda warmly welcomed the 43 attendees initially in French. Many were attired in French dress, including members, partners and guests. Also our very special guest of honour attending for the last time, the kid from Toulouse, Leo



To read the full Beacon click here Beacon Volume 27 Bulletin No3

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Beacon 3rd July 2012

Another Rotary year and our 27th President all the way from Lithuania presided over her first meeting.  President Raimonda warmly welcomed the 18 Rotarians who attended to be joined by another group of 11 guests who arrived around 8pm. More about that later.  Outgoing Sergeant Mick formally handed over the reins to Kevin who following great difficulty in fitting his regalia over his head provided the audience with a few historical facts about Lithuania. Unfortunately his voice was faster than my pen!

To read the full Beacon Click here Beacon Volume 27 Bulletin No2

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Beacon 23rd June 2012

Whilst this is the exciting first edition of a new Rotary year for the Gellibabies it also celebrates the achievements of our feather duster PP Ross Magor (since I’m writing this after the event).

Well –WHAT a NIGHT we had at the Substation in Newport!!

The venue splendid, the food was great, the booze flowed well, the atmosphere was enlivened and the entertainment was an exciting slice from across the world. 

And we had a bit of special Rotary with awards that were surprising for the participants.  Not only SURPRISING but gobsmacking to boot!!

What more do you need on a COLD winter’s night??

To read the full Beacon Click here Beacon Volume 27 Bulletin No 1

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Beacon 19th June 2012

This week the Gellibabies with guest speaker Ian Fox were sheltering from the cold in the warmth of the RVMYC along with Leo Begue our exchange student.  This the final meeting with Ross the Boss in the chair opened up with much conviviality and a bit of sledging of Mick the Boat (who as sergeant was intent on making lots of $$ from his final fine session) and finished with Ross shouting the bar!!

To view the full Beacon click here Beacon Volume 26 Bulletin No 45

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Beacon 12th June 2012

The Gellibabies have it all covered; last week the queen and the researchers chasing the breast cancer gene; this week the gardening guru and lots and lots of guests!!  President Ross welcomed the 45 Rotarians and guests including our guest speaker John Patrick.  The visitors included friends from the Rotary Clubs of Yarraville and Williamstown and the ladies from Williamstown Inner Wheel and lots of friends and family members.  We were also honoured by the presence of Major Athol England a Salvation Army veteran of 43 years, our Hobsons Bay Citizen of the Year for 2011 and his wife Alma.

To view the full Beacon click here Beacon Volume 26 Bulletin No 44

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