In welcoming our Guest Speaker Jill Bilston who only this week returned from her trip to Uganda, President Raimonda showed how well she fitted into the Gellibabies way of life since Capt Chaos, the Old Gyno and Bruce and Marg were also returning to the fold. Looks as if the Gellibabies are now of an age and a mind to travel and ENJOY!!.
In welcoming our Guest Speaker Jill Bilston who only this week returned from her trip to Uganda, President Raimonda showed how well she fitted into the Gellibabies way of life since Capt Chaos, the Old Gyno and Bruce and Marg were also returning to the fold. Looks as if the Gellibabies are now of an age and a mind to travel and ENJOY!!.
To view the full Beacon click here Beacon Volume 27 Bulletin No 12