0401 501 245
Meeting every 1st and 3rd Tues of the month 6.30pm at the Customs House Hotel, 161 Nelson Place, Williamstown

Author Archives: steve

Beacon Vol 27 No60

Important: Next week is a partners and friends night at the Bank Restaurant Yarraville (see below) but Ron Coleman 0411 723 669 needs accurate numbers of attendees by this Friday 11th October. (leave a message)

This week:
President Kevin welcomed our Guest Speakers Josh and Tallia Rodder, PP Henry down from Geelong, and Mario back from Hospital.

He has received a gracious card from Elaine Bird thanking the club for the flowers on 6th October in memorium and also notified that Elaine had accepted our invitation for Honorary Membership.

He has formed a Sub-Committee to work on nominating a President for next year.

PP Jim is also looking at reinstating the Xmas Hamper and associated Pub Crawl.

We are also investigation another Pergola at Floyd Lodge.

PP Doug is taking orders for Xmas Puddings and Cakes (see below)

And Ray Lindner has introduced us to Naked Specs. This organisation in addition to funding cataract operations in Indonesia also supplies Sun Glasses to people, who through blindness, have eye deformity that is often ridiculed. These sun glasses give them more self esteem and confidence. So we wish to help them by giving them all our redundant sun glasses. Please bring your old sunnies to our next meeting at the RYCV on 22nd October.

PP Ron then gave additional information about next week. Of the $30 admission $2 comes back to the Club. Bobby Bright who will be entertaining us on the night, will also be selling his new CD for $20 of which $5 comes back to the Club. This CD will be released to the public next month. It will be an informal night with a Sergeants session plus a raffle.

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Beacon Vol 27 No.59

This week’s Surprise Package surprised us with an eloquent speech accompanied by a Steel Pan drum, a Guitar and a Song.


President Kevin started the night by asking our new-to-be member Dianne Whittall to give a talk in absence of our Guest Speaker.( who did turn up late with our Program Director PP Ron Coleman).

The Pink Breakfast has been rescheduled to Tuesday 29th October with Guest Speaker Terri Bracks and Chair Angela Altair at the RYCV. We have planned for 160 persons so we need to get the message around in the next 4 weeks so people can budget for this before the Melbourne Cup Carnival. See Below for details.

Kevin made mention of the good roll-up at Ron Coleman’s father’s Memorial Service and the happy recollections of the family and friends.

Our XMAS Party with the Daydreamers will be held on Monday 16th December at RYCV.

And we have a problem in that we do not have a President of the Club for next year. If we cannot get a volunteer from those who have not already served then we may have to do another re-run. Apparently we are not on our own in this quandary as other clubs in the Cluster also have the same problem.

Our International Project in Bangladesh is well underway and next week PP Ross our Director will give us a briefing and show some photos of the work. He is now looking for other projects and Sandra had some ideas which she will communicate.

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BeaconVol 27 No.58

It’s Footie Season and this week we had a Footie Night
A time to show our allegiances wearing our Footie Club Regalia and to listen to the recollections of that Footie Great and Past President of our Club John Heriot.

Seen here with Chairman for the night PPRussell Soppitt

President Kevin opened the night welcoming John and his wife Valerie, and his Partner Helen’s father John Feean. Seen here

However on a sad note he advised that PP Ron Coleman’s father had died on Sunday which explains Ron’s absence tonight. A memorial will be held at the Altona Sports Club on Friday 27th September at 10:30am. President Kevin asked for a good attendance from the Club to support Ron.

Liam Haven the blinded Iraqi veteran who spoke to us earlier in the year has finished his 350Km walk from Sydney to Canberra along with his guide dog Omen, raising $50,000 for Soldier On and for Guide Dogs Victoria.

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BEACON Vol 27 No.57

Seen in the photo are:(from left to right) Chairman for the night Bill Dagg, Principal of Williamstown High School Lisa Sperling, our President Kevin Gunn and President of the School Council Hugh Jones.

With Sergeant Ron back in the chair, the night was kicked off by President Kevin who welcomed the guest speakers and Dianne Whitnall, He described a successful BBQ at Seaworks, raising $731 and a memorable night off the leash at the Pirates’ Tavern.

He also notified of a Board meeting next Thursday when the PP Henry will continue the handover of Secretary position to PP Geoff. Having met with the CO of the Commandos at the Fort, during his Real Estate business, there is an offer of another Ball next March, if we wish.
The Pink Breakfast has been deferred for 2-3 weeks pending confirmation of a Guest Speaker.

PP Ron Coleman reminded us of The Twentieth Man Fund Gala at Docklands on 18th October at $195/head, see him for tickets. Its aim is to employ more Youth Workers to allay the drug crisis in our suburbs. The Hobsons Bay Mayoral Ball has been cancelled.

PPJimmy has nominated us to run the BBQ at the Classic Car Club event at Seaworks on 17th November. Last year we garnered big bucks for our club but it is an all day event and will require a full roll up of members to be successful. Note this in your diaries.

Bill Dagg’s back fence has now been replaced with chain wire thanks to a loss of 5 Kg and the help of friends, He now has the whole of the park as his backyard. His statement ” As well as working for Rotary do something for your self.”

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Beacon Vol 27 No.56

There was no formal meeting this week, as our normal venue was closed for a Tall Ships event, 11 of our members decided to join with the Yarraville Rotary Club to celebrate their 10th Anniversary at the Yarraville Club.
And here are the Happy Chappies:

plus of course our dedicated photographer PP Ross

The night was competently compared by their Past Pres. Liam Jones who was also an excellent auctioneer. As usual there were many auction items and raffles but the only loot for the Gellibabies was Andrew’s voucher for dinner for two at the Yarraville Club.
The entertainment was by comedian Dave O’Neill who kept us laughing continuously for over half an hour. The night however was really a fund raiser for a 5 yr old boy suffering from cerebral palsy. He was there and his mother gave a wonderful thank you speech describing how the money raised for a electronic communication device would help him integrate with his peers at the Footscray Primary School. She stated statistics that a severely disabled child needed an additional $50,000/annum support.

That’s all you will get from me this week as I type one handed.


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Beacon 27 July


President Kevin welcomed a select group of 18 attendees including guest speaker and former member Steve Margerson.  Happy Birthday to Kevin (30 August).

Words of Wisdom from President Kevin

 With the Old Scribe moving to Geelong and winding down his activities with our Club, Kevin was pleased to announce that Geoffrey King had agreed to take on the role of Secretary.  Congratulations Geoff!

 The Yarraville Rotary Club is celebrating their 10th birthday this year.  We will be holding a joint meeting with them on the 10th of September at the Yarraville Club.

Bill will be looking for numbers at next week’s meeting. Continue reading The Beacon at Beacon Volume 27 edition 54.

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Beacon 20 July


friends of gardens

President Kevin warmly welcomed the 22 attendees including DG elect Murray Verso, Rowan Moody from Coles (guest of Don Ward), prospective members Diane Whittall and Nicola Rabot and guest speaker Sue Murray and her partner Alan.

Words of Wisdom from President Kevin

 Kevin had been in contact with the Magors who had caught up with Leo and family.

An earlier meeting was held with Murray Verso regarding arrangements for his Changeover event next year.  Kevin, Elaine Bird and David Dumbrell attended.  The first priority is to settle on a venue which would hold around 400 people.    Any suggestions to Kevin.  Continue reading The Beacon  Beacon Volume 27 edition 53.

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Beacon Volume 27 No. 55 3rd Sept 2013

This week was New Members Night and President Kevin welcomed those guests of Members who are prospective new members: Duncan Given, Te Anu Braidie, Peter Mulherin, David and Patricia Samwell, David Anderson , and Dianne Whitnall who were all introduced by their sponsors. Kevin also welcomed Elaine Bird who we consider a member of this club for her continued contribution, and our Guest Speakers Roger Goga and Nigel Barnard. DSC01906

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Beacon 13 July

Back to Royals Tues. night


GREETINGS fellow Rotarians, partners, friends, interlopers, gatecrashers, internet eavesdroppers and hackers..

 First a reminder that we are back at the Royals’ on Tuesday night (Aug. 20). Guest speaker is Sue Murray, President of Friends of the Williamstown Botanic Gardens (of which our own Geoff King is Treasurer).

Sue will bring her partner Alan, and outline the master-plan for the historic gardens. To read more of the Beacon at Beacon Volume 27 ed 52.

Past club secretary Steve Margerson will talk about his interesting life the next week.

Then, don’t forget New Members’ Night on Tuesday, Sept. 3. Invite a guest, and tell Bill.

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Beacon 6th July

See your rates at work? as we visit council meeting

 ‘WHEREAS Her Worship the Mayor has convened a council meeting for next Tuesday night, August 13, from 7pm, at the Civic Centre in Altona, you, the members and partners of the illustrious Rotary Club of Point Gellibrand, are hereby cordially invited to witness how the money you (so begrudgingly?) part with for council rates is spent.’

Continue reading the Beacon at Beacon Volume 27 ed 51.

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