0401 501 245
Meeting every 1st and 3rd Tues of the month 6.30pm at the Customs House Hotel, 161 Nelson Place, Williamstown

Author Archives: steve

Beacon 23rd October 2012

The Gellibabies had an away game this week by visiting the Hofbrauhaus Restaurant in the City to belatedly celebrate Oktoberfest.  Well the new experiences encompassed travel by train for some! WAITING, waiting for others and FOOD by the platter-load guaranteed to lift spirits as well as cholesterol for those of us who’s doctor is a stranger.  Another great night of hospitality and a way of getting to know our soon to be new Gellibaby Mike Butcher who was accompanied by wife Joyce.  The numbers might have been small but lots of partners were also present which meant that all Gellibabies found their way home easily!

To read the full Beacon Click here Beacon Volume 27 Bulletin No 18a

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Beacon 16th October 2012

The Gellibabies were in reflective mood this week but also intent on having fun!!

Following the memorial service for our beloved Jeff Bird where some 400 people filled the Williamstown Town Hall to recount his accomplishments, his message to all his family and friends was that his motto was to have ‘Serious Fun’ and quoted a passage from Adam Lindsay Gordon

Life is mostly froth and Bubble,

Two things stand like stone,

Kindness in another’s trouble,

Courage in your own’

Maaaaaaate – we’ll always try – BUT we’ll miss you!!

Many people may never have seen Jeff at his larrikin best but the photo I found here says it all for me!!  Jeff was cleaning up after the T Dance in the early years of the Gellibabies – well leaning on a brush at least!! supervised by Sergeant John L Martin in Williamstown Town Hall.

Another great turnout to our meeting this week with more than 30 attendees including guest speaker Laurie Arnold , guest Christine Wilson and a group from the Hobsons Bay International Friendship Association.

To read the full Beacon click here Beacon Volume 27 Bulletin No 17

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Beacon 9th October 2012

Today is a really sad day for the Gellibabies, Rotary and the world as we mourn the passing of the one and only Jeffrey Charles Bird. 

Charter Member, Past President, Past District Governor and Paul Harris Fellow are marks of his Rotary achievements but in the world there is much much more. 

Jeff graduated from Melbourne University in Engineering and later completed a Masters in Business, his working career started at Sunshine Council as a graduate engineer later to become City engineer before moving into academia as Senior Lecturer in Business.  His career then turned to running his own business, Selnit-Rex, involved with fabrics and fasteners for the clothing industry before he added roller covering and consultancy to the portfolio.

Throughout this time he and Elaine brought up two wonderful children (now with kids of their own) and contributed to community life in the fullest sense.  From Australian President of Jaycees, Mayor of Williamstown, being a Justice of the Peace as well as membership of more than 30 clubs and associations of which Rotary was one.  

Jeff’s sense of style and purpose was always available to those of us who knew him, he was available to assist with advice, contacts and ideas where the benefit to others was foremost in his mind.  Jeff’s style showed in the wearing of hats! the Panama, the Fez and the Mink, his taste in music and the arts and his love of poetry, his fantastic sketches of travel destinations are admired far and wide and the Gellibabies bow ties are his creation which we all wear with pride.

We Gellibabies can only respect and treasure Jeff’s achievements and memories as we continue to love and support Elaine and the family and say once again ‘Thanks for the Memories Jeff – you’re a gentleman’

To read the full Beacon click here Beacon Volume 27 Bulletin No 16

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Beacon 2nd October 2012

This week the Gellibabies were entertained, informed and convinced that they are not dinosaurs during an ‘In House’ presentation by our last new member of 2011 Sandra Prendergast who never wavered in her delivery   despite rapid fire questions from right, left and centre field.  Sandra’s view of the Social Media scene and how it can be made to work for the Gellibabies provided lots of discussion and wowed our guests Judy Brown and her friend Christine Lockey, Mike Butcher(guest of Doug Bews), Elle Stephens and Kevin O’Connor.

To read the full Beacon Click here Beacon Volume 27 Bulletin No 15

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Beacon 25th September 2012

No one can say that the Gellibabies are set in their ways after today!! 

Not only did we meet EARLY in the morning but we also had a fabulous time with out Pink Ribbon Breakfast and the some 150 happy souls who were also with us from 7-00 am helping raise funds for Breast Cancer Research. 

We had the glitterati of local and district Rotary with us as well as many families and friends from our local area.  

Our MC for the morning was local identity Patsy Toop OAM, lawyer, musician, wife and supporter of community causes who set down her guitar and pen to keep things moving a pace; quite a feat in the RVMYC since space was at a premium with a near capacity female dominated crowd. 

Our guest speaker was none other than Western Bulldogs director Susan Alberti AO who after everyone had a sumptuous breakfast spoke about her commitment to health research following the loss of a daughter to juvenile diabetes.

We had door prizes, raffles and a silent auction that swelled the fundraising well beyond last year’s achievements and judging by the hum of conversation it’s fair to say that the camaraderie was heightened once again.


To read the full Beacon Click here Beacon Volume 27 Bulletin No 14

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Beacon 18th September 2012

This week the Gellibabies were stimulated and entertained by our Guest Speaker Chris Egger Feather Duster of the Rotary Club of Laverton Point Cook.  Even though the meeting started late due to previous meetings of both the Big Bay Swim Committee and the Pink Ribbon Breakfast Committee no eyes closed during his presentation and with PP Bill Dagg in the chair for the night the long question time at the end was well augmented and moved along at quite a pace. 

We welcomed back our sergeant Kevin the Gunn from not one BUT two holiday encounters – one to the Birdsville Cup and the other after a couple of hours break to a leisurely sail in the Whitsundays!!.

All sounded exhausting to me but Kevin reckoned that he could still adjust to a few beers mid breakfast to keep up with Capt Chaos!!

To read the full Beacon click here Beacon Volume 27 Bulletin No 13

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Beacon 11th September 2012

In welcoming our Guest Speaker Jill Bilston who only this week returned from her trip to Uganda, President Raimonda showed how well she fitted into the Gellibabies way of life since Capt Chaos, the Old Gyno and Bruce and Marg were also returning to the fold.   Looks as if the Gellibabies are now of an age and a mind to travel and ENJOY!!. 

To view the full Beacon click here  Beacon Volume 27 Bulletin No 12

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Beacon 4th September 2012

This week a change of tempo and the new rule of the  female with the Lolly Lady standing in for Kevin the Gunn as sergeant along with most of our lady members supporting Raimonda with their presence at the top table.  On top of this we had the return of PP’s Ron Mulholland and Ross the Boss as well as our little Ray of Sunshine (Ray Ross) from their sojourns overseas.   The story of the tattoo will be told later!!  Our guest speaker for the evening Geoff Dougall spoke of the maritime and industrial history of Williamstown and how funding is passing Williamstown by and being diverted to the city which now houses the Alma Dopel and the Steam Tug Wattle which were originally berthed at Williamstown.  It looks as if the Seaworks Project is in serious jeopardy – more on this later too. 

To read the full Beacon click here Beacon Volume 27 Bulletin No 11

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Beacon 28th August 2012

This week the Gellibabies entertained our new Assistant District Governor Therese McKenney-Campbell who let us into the secrets that make her tick and the passion that she has for volunteering.

We also welcomed back PP Doug Bews from his three month trip overseas taking in Japan, Italy, Germany and back to Japan – good to sea you back old mate!!

And stalwart Gellibaby reporter David Dumbrell back from his cruise up the Rhine and the Danube where he nearly ran out of water!! – Welcome home Dave now the Olde Scribe can stop looking for ring in reporters and relaaaaaaaaaax!! And have the ODD glass of red on a Tuesday.

To read the full Beacon click here Beacon Volume 27 Bulletin No 10

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Beacon 21st August 2012

This week the Gellibabies along with Ellie Stevens and Judy Brown from the Daydreamers and a couple of her friends had a wonderful night at the Sun Theatre to see the action thriller The Bourne Legacy based on the book by Robert Ludlum  True to the Gellibabies tradition we were greeted with a fine selection of wine and beer to start the evening.  The lovely Kay wasn’t with us due to having been violently ill at an event the evening prior, I understand that she’s improving now.

The lolly lady came well prepared with snakes, jelly babies, milk buds the usual assortment that she magically produced from the depths of an oversized handbag that she realised later when finding another ticket stub that she hadn’t used for months. It is now known Faye and Jen always eat green snakes first, Faye never eats blue, black or white jelly beans, Jen and Mick won’t eat anything yellow and Sandra is not fussed.

We were served a dinner box which had so much food that it was impossible to eat it all.  Later on an ice cream came which none of us could say no to.

Everyone enjoyed such an action packed movie.  The movie lived up to the standard of the former Bourne movies. Set in Alaska, USA and Manilla it was full of action and had a plausible story.

The Pres thought that she would fall asleep but didn’t, Kevin raved about how great the movie was, Jen and hubby sat in the back row for obvious reasons according to Faye, and Geoff opined about the sequel to the film. Thanks to Faye for taking the Pres. Sandra & GK to the flicks. 


To read the full Beacon click here – Beacon Volume 27 Bulletin No 9

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