0401 501 245
Meeting every 1st and 3rd Tues of the month 6.30pm at the Customs House Hotel, 161 Nelson Place, Williamstown

Author Archives: steve

Beacon 5th June 2012

President Ross warmly welcomed the 30 attendees on such a cold winter’s night, including our guest speaker Professor Geoff Lindeman of the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, Rose and Tessa Marshall: Tessa is our National Youth Science Forum applicant, and Rose’s father is Don Marshall who started Interplast in Australia.  Lorraine Smith from Inner Wheel and of course our favorite frenchman Léo Bégué.  We also were favoured by a big attendance from friends and partners.

Also a welcome back Ellie Horsey and Don Ward after prolongued overseas visits. 

And guess what – we had a visit from the Queen to help celebrate her diamond jubilee.

To view the full Beacon click here Beacon Volume 26 Bulletin No 43

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Beacon 29th May 2012

The Gellibabies did it again!!

PP Bill Dagg managed to not only get a couple of serving officers from The Australian Defence Force to come to talk to us about their experiences in Afghanistan but they were able to keep our biggest attendance for the year completely enthralled by their presentation.  Not bad seing as it was the first time that Mick and Nick had presented in public!!

We had lots of guests including Assistant Governor Julie Mason (Julie Baby) many partners, friends and visiting Rotarians from far and wide.

To read the full beacon Click here Beacon Volume 26 Bulletin No 42a

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Beacon 22nd May 2012

May is Australian Rotary Health Month and the  Gellibabies are raising the awareness of mental health issues through a hat day where the idea is that mental illness is not something you should keep under your hat, and it is a problem that needs treatment just like cancer or diabetes.

No matter what ‘hat’ you are wearing during the day it’s important to remember that if you are suffering from a mental illness or are depressed; you’re not alone!!

To read the full Beacon Click here Beacon Volume 26 Bulletin No 41

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Beacon 15th May 2012

What an entertaining night we had this week!! Our guest speaker John Liddell opened our eyes to the prospects of life after Zero Carbon, where electrical power is generated from passive solar and wind systems rather than carbon burning thermal systems as at present.  Cutting edge one might think BUT do-able by 2020 according to John provided we get the vested interest sceptics and politicians away from blocking the way forward.

What’s this photo??  It’s the first baseload Gemasolar power plant that now operates in southern Spain (yes Spain might have it’s current financial problems but they can see through the haze toward a more sustainable tomorrow)!

To view the full Beacon click here Beacon Volume 26 Bulletin No 40

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Beacon 8th May 2012

The Gellibabies this week were in house and on project looking at the success of Pirates Day where we entertained some 100 kids from families affected by childhood cancer and reflecting on any areas for improvent.  Our partnership with Challenge Cancer support initiated by PP Mick the Boat many years ago has been an enduring and satisfying one and embraces the true Rotary spirit of service above self.

Numbers were a bit down due to Overseas trips, Interstate Trips, a crook Scribe (he’d got manflu!!) and other family things that sometimes get in the way!!!!  But the light of the Gellibabies was still shining and our youngest light (the Kid from Tolouse) was with us again!!

To read the full Beacon Click here Beacon Volume 26 Bulletin No 39

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Beacon 1st May 2012

President Ross warmly welcomed the 23 attendees and guests including; Pip Smibert,our  guest speaker from EduHelp. Léo Bégué, now residing with the Dumbrell’s and Kathleen West the wife of Peter Ford. 

Our chairman for the evening PP Kevin Gunn was with our guest speaker to glean some background before the off!!

For Pip’s Presentation click Here 120429.CSMS Flood Recovery

To read the full Beacon Click Here Beacon Volume 26 Bulletin No 38

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Beacon 24th April 2012

This week  we Gellibabies thrashed the Yarravillians at Tenpin Bowls instead of our normal meeting and despite the challenge from the young set (our’s and their’s) we had to rely on the Olde Scribe to top score with 180 and bring the trophy home!!.  On a night when only the brave ventured out ( it was dark, cold, wet and windy) it was good to see that the spirit of Rotary cannot be extinguished but when we reflect on the many other things that are happening I thought we should have a beacon to update everyone. 

To read the full Beacon Click here Beacon Volume 26 Bulletin No 37

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Beacon 17th April 2012

After a break for Easter and Greek Easter the Gellibabies were back in town and even with a power failure in the Kitchen after the meals were served we not only survived but had a fantastic night with 25 attendees including guest speaker Murray Verso from the Williamstown Rotary Club and DAG Julie Mason. 

To read the full Beacon click here Beacon Volume 26 Bulletin No 36

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Beacon 3rd April 2012

‘Twas the week before Easter and all through the town, Big ears were the fashion and eggs could’nt be found, (Cadbury had sold out of eggs)!! The Gellibabies were back at the RVMYC, all was well with the world (if you discount the problems that governments create) and President Ross warmly welcomed the 29 attendees including Steve Burrows and Brodie White plus The Coulson Clan including guest speaker Jesse, his sister Chelsea plus Mum and Dad Sylvie and Neal.  Aso welcome back to the travellers Doug Bews and David Dumbrell.

To view the full Beacon click here  Beacon Volume 26 Bulletin No 35

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Beacon 27th March 2012

This week the Gellibabies were on the road again for hopefully the last time for a while whilst the RVMYC carries out a stocktake prior to the new caterer taking over.  We were at our second home at Santorini Restaurant in Parkers Street with a warm welcome from Alex and his crew. We had many parners attending to hear Kathleen West (the wife of Peter Ford) speak about the changes in adoption that have taken place from the dark days when single mothers were demonised and their babies normally adopted to today where there are very few adoptions and adopted childrens rights are carefully protected.

To read the full Beacon click here :- Beacon Volume 26 Bulletin No 34

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