0401 501 245
Meeting every 1st and 3rd Tues of the month 6.30pm at the Customs House Hotel, 161 Nelson Place, Williamstown

Member Comments

Beacon 30 July


One long table, great food

THE Long Table of Fellowship worked well again last Tuesday night, and the food was excellent (delicious pasta entree, followed by succulent lamb shank and mash dish).

 Sandra Prendergast proposed her toast to “the fellowship of Rotary, and Australia”.

 President Kevin welcomed Rotarians and guests including Mart Travill, Community Liaison Manager for Smart Meters. Continue the story at Beacon Volume 27 ed 50.


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Beacon 23 July

Bonjour mes amis Rotary

 ‘Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown,’ —- Shakespeare

 By Associate Editor David Dumbrell


VIVE Le Presidente! President Kevin, fresh from wining and dining his way across Europe, welcomed attendees including guest speaker Paul Walshe and colleague Dianne Schmidtke, from the DOXA Youth Foundation, to Tuesday night’s meeting..

 KING Kevin wasted no time calling a board meeting, to be held this Thursday night (July 25) from 7pm at 100 John Liston Drive Williamstown (the place that’s hard to find).

 He also emphasised the need for our club to increase its membership. Our target is 10 new members for the 2013-2014 Rotary year. Continue reading at Beacon Volume 27 ed 49.

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Beacon 16 July

Back to the Royals Tuesday

 GREETINGS fellow Rotarians, Gellibabies, wives, partners, absentee members, Rotarians-in-hiding, guests and interlopers.

 Firstly a quick reminder that next Tuesday’s weekly dinner meeting will be back at the Royals, with David Dumbrell filling-in again as Acting President while Gunny swans his way around the French Riviera and charms everyone he meets in exotic parts of Europe. Contine reading Beacon Volume 27 ed 47.

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Beacon 9 July

Get ready for a Greek fest of fun at Santorini on Tuesday

FASTEN your seat belts and saddle up for a Greek feast of fun, frivolity and fellowship next Tuesday night (Optional Partners’ Night) at Santorini Restaurant, cnr Parker and Cole streets.

All for the usual dinner fee of $25. Continue reading at Beacon Volume 27 ed 46.

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Beacon 2nd July


Get ready for a Greek fest of fun at Santorini on Tuesday

 FASTEN your seat belts and saddle up for a Greek feast of fun, frivolity and fellowship next Tuesday night (Optional Partners’ Night) at Santorini Restaurant, cnr Parker and Cole streets.

All for the usual dinner fee of $25.

Guest speaker is former World and Aussie lightweight boxing champ Barry Michael, who’s running for the Senate, with Doug Hawkins, on Clive Palmer’s ticket. To read more, go to Beacon Volume 27 ed 46.

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Beacon Vol 27 No 45 21st June

In Rotary we don’t say “The King is dead, long live the King” we this month said “Farewell the Queen – Welcome the King”
And so it was on our two last meetings in June.
To view the full Beacon go to:Beacon Volume 27 No 45

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Beacon 28th May


King Richard’s big Trifecta!

 RIGHT now you simply cannot wipe the smile off his face.

 King Richard, still revelling in the arrival of grand-daughter Lucille a few weeks ago, completed the hat-trick (or trifecta) this week. Read further at Beacon Volume 27 edition 42

TOMADASHI, the team on his table, won the Gellibabies’ annual Trivia Tournament at the Royals, beating teams including the Colonial Eggheads and Seven Cheatahs.

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Beacon 4th June 2013

Back at the Royals for our first meeting in June and second last meeting for the Rotary year.Pool Table President Raimonda introduced our guest speaker Tom Boon from the Hobsons Bay Men’s Shed (pictured thanks to Faye) and our National Youth Science Forum candidate Sasha Hall with her father John.


Sasha was introduced by Kay Didenkowski and she gave a brief account of her reasons for wanting to go to the Forum that is held in Canberra for 12 days and includes lectures and visits to many Science laboratories with briefings from the major companies involved in scientific research.  As with Tess Marshall who was our candidate last year the Club will pay half her fee and her family the other half.  She is very articulate and should give us a good presentation on her return from the Forum.


Pres. Raimonda informed that we are being represented at the formation of the New Generations Rotary Club in Bendigo (all under 25 yrs old)by Bill Dagg who will take a gift of $100 from the club.



To read the full Beacon Click here Beacon Volume 27 No 43

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Beacon 21 May


MORE importantly, don’t forget it’s Trivia Night and Partners’ Night this Tuesday, May 28 at the Royal Victorian Yacht Club. You can even bring a friend, neighbour, relative or prospective Rotary member.

 WE’RE pleased to announce David Browning, who runs a very successful Trivia Night at Bettany’s Restaurant (Albert Hotel) in Douglas Parade, has agreed to be our Quiz Master.Beacon Volume 27 edition 41

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Beacon 14 MAY


BRRRR!! …welcome back

Doug and Peter

 ‘Now is the winter of our discontent’ – Shakespeare (Hamlet)

 ‘TWAS  a cold, dark, wintery night, but that didn’t faze 17 club members who abandoned their hot water bottles and teddy bears to enjoy Rotary fellowship and camaraderie at the Royals this week. Continue reading at Beacon Volume 27 Edition 40

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