0401 501 245
Meeting every 1st and 3rd Tues of the month 6.30pm at the Customs House Hotel, 161 Nelson Place, Williamstown

Member Comments

Beacon Vol 27 Bo 72

This week:
Thankful for the RYCV air-conditioning on a sweltering night, we had two guest speakers.
And in line with the topic of one PP Faye proposed the toast to Women in Rotary,
President Kevin then welcomed us all and the guest speakers Ian Dickson President of the Williamstown Swimming and Life-saving Club and Rebecca Heitbaum to talk about the International Womens’ Day Breakfast. Shown here with the Pres and dual Chairs for the night Kay Didenkowski and PP Ron Coleman.

Arnold Sackville was also again welcomed as a guest and prospective member.
Kevin apparently lost 0.5 Kg walking in the heat today, not quite up to the world record of 5Kg lost by a man running down-hill away from a bushfire on Ash Wednesday, said Kay.

The next BBS committee meeting will be at RYCV on 4th Feb at 6pm.
We have 69 entries to date, a record for this far ahead of the event.
PP Ron also advised that at the Pool and Spa Expo next weekend, our BBS icon Chloe McCardel will be trying to set a world record by swimming for 16 hours in a standard swim-spa pool starting at midnight on Friday 31st January and finish at 4.00 pm Saturday 1st February at the Melbourne Exhibition Centre. The swim will also be transmitted live on her website www.chloemccardel.com .

David reported that the Audit of the Club’s finances has now been completed satisfactorily.

PP Geoffrey tabled some correspondence from the National Breast Cancer Foundation again thanking us for our contribution and affirming their aim to have no deaths from Breast Cancer by 2030. Also a call for Volunteers to assist the Haemophiliac World Congress in May.

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Beacon Vol 27 No 71

This week:
We were delighted to welcome the genesis of our RISE (Rotary International Steel Drum Ensemble)
Meeting 21Jan 002
Comprising the leader Christopher Basile, his two sons Adam and Ry and the initiator and manufacturer of Steel Drums in Victoria Gordon Ramsay.
The Welcome was given by Acting President David Dumbrell as our Pres had whipped away to the Emergency Ward for an eye bleed. He nevertheless returned very swiftly and resumed his post, looking like a candidate for our Pirates’Day. Arnold Sackville was also welcomed as a guest and prospective member.


Bunnings BBQ on11th January was expertly organised by our Sergeant Don Ward also provided refreshments at his home after the event. The day netted the club $772 and Don thanked all who had assisted on the day.

David reported that there are presently 56 entries for the Big Bay Swim far more than we have ever had at this amount of time before the event on 23rd Feb. He also said that arrangements were being made for Under18 entries to supply parental permission documents.

PP Faye is organising the Market but needs a volunteer to be briefed on what she has organised and to supervise the marketeers on the day as she cannot be present. Please contact Faye ASAP.

John has arranged for the printing of 900 pens for the Jalna Big Bay Swim and will give every member one bag of 15 to sell at a price of $3 each. Once you have sold these he will give you another bag. He said that the main sponsor are now on-board but we do require more smaller contributors and if you have some ideas of who can sponsor, say around $1000, please contact John who will make contact.

PP Ron has arrange for flyers for our swim to go in the show bags for the Willi LifeSavers Swim and will distribute others to the Australia Day Swim at Brighton with Doug.

John also reported that Kmart have water-pistol-swords available for $2 each and also Water Balloon fillers for our Pirates’ Day.

PP Mick having confirmed the dates for the Challenge Cancer activities, see Below, said that a bus is required to ferry the Dads to Mathowra as the Challenge Bus is not available on the day. It was suggested that the Open Family bus could be available.

Ray our on to Conference Chairman offered a double bed in a 3 bedroom apartment for any of our attendees.

The Sergeant had been dobbed in to his wife for consuming pies at the supermarket and as he could not identify the culprit everybody was fined. As it was a musical night all those who have and play an instrument were fined a silver coin and all the non-musical others copped a gold coin.
Cross fines:
David to Pres Kevin. Having read about a Real Estate Agent who served Meals on Wheels and made “beneficial” offers for the recipients’ houses.

PP Ron took the John Link precedent and fined himself for not informing the club that his horse ‘Wolf Pack’ was likely to and did win at Kilmore.

In that vein Ray told how he and his brother had inherited a greyhound which they raced to no avail and then sold to a Brisbane owner. The dog was found dead in his box on arrival at Brisbane Airport. Lose some, win some.

PP Ron Coleman welcomed our Steel Drum performers and both Chris and Gordon explained the process of manufacturing and playing the drums. It takes Gordon one whole week to make one drum and has to do it well away from civilisation because of the noise.
Chris said that his two sons had only had 2 weeks practise on the drums. They then played a set of three pieces of well-known tunes, and answered many questions from the floor.
Meeting 21Jan 006
We hope eventually to be able to teach the playing of the drums to disadvantaged youth in our area and will be in touch with Chris and Gordon in the near future.

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Beacon Vol 27 No.70

Happy New Year

This week:
The Informal BBQ at the Royal Yacht Club.

But before we go on about that here are some reflections on our Xmas Party. And what a great night that was for the children, some of whom are seen here with Santa and his Elf.
Xmas 2013 s002




But there was still some time for Rotary Business which added to the festive ambience: President Kevin and inaugural President Russell presented Paul Harris Fellowships to two deserving recipients, PP Andrew Oakley and David Dumbrell.

And then a gold watch to PP Henry Fitzell for his exemplary service to the club as Secretary for 15 Years.

And some orchids to Janet Fitzell for her willing acceptance of the time Henry put in to Rotary.

There were pre-dinner games out on the deck, a humungous raffle, plenty of good food and wine supplied by RYCV and a lively band. Dancing continued well into the night.

We have to thank Bruce McCracken and PP Faye Lanyon for organising such a wonderful night and Don and Geoffrey for their dressups,

The Informal BBQ 14th Jan 2014:
The first meeting of the Calendar Year and it was a fantastic get together despite the heat. President Kevin and Helen had catered for all our various dietary quirks with a BBQ, salads and dessert and Sergeant Don introduced a new way of extracting our funds in lieu of fines.
We also had guests, Arthur Sackville, Sara Velda, Fumika Harano and also one of our past members and now A Friend of Rotary, Ray Lindner. Ray is one of four motor –bike riders making up the Miles for Smiles team who are riding through Nepal , India , Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Australia to raise funds for Interplast. 6000miles in 50 days on Royal Enfield bikes. These bikes are considered antiquated here but are made in India and therefore spares are available in at least India and Bangladesh. The riders will be unsupported apart from what they can get on the way from Rotary Clubs and others.

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Beacon Vol.27 No.68

President Kevin asked Don Ward Sergeant to brief on the Camp Get Away weekend with the 20th Man Fund children and then introduce our guests Web Manager Steve Los, Guest Speaker Jon Grima, and friends of Jon – Simon Zdrasovski and Dakin Thexton.
Jon is seen here with President Kevin, Chairman John Allcock and Sergeant Don Ward.
Don recounted how previous to the weekend he and Mick the Boat had cooked Lasagne for 7 hours and Raimonda had made a massive amount of Bolognese sauce. Mick and Richard had done all the shopping and the food was transported by Richard and Doug.
Six Rotarians had prepared and served the food on the three days except for the final day, Sunday, when the Kids had cooked the BBQ.
The Kids had also done all the cleaning up and washing and drying the dishes after each meal.
President Kevin and PP Russell came up on the Saturday and Andrew and David sacrificed their beds and went home.
President Kevin and Captain Chaos seen here at the serving table Sunday.
20th Man Camp Getaway 004

PP Russell who attended for the first time said it was an ‘eye opening’ experience and made special mention of the effort put in by Don as Master Chef (Cookie) the kitchen leader. There were 72 children from the age of 6 to 16 and four Leaders including Jim Markovski. Russell commented on the politeness of all the kids and how well they responded to organisation. This is largely due to Jim and his close relationship with them all.

The Saturday night dinner could have been chaotic if we had used the Chicken Carcases brought up by Captain Chaos in lieu of Chicken Casseroles. However with some true Rotarian spirit Leon from the Rotary Club of Bendigo arranged for us to collect 30 cooked and cut chickens from IGA Eaglehawk. Thus disaster was averted.

A highlight of the Weekend was the Talent Quest for the Kids on Saturday night. They all entered into it enthusiastically some with much more talent than others. The judges gave first prize to the girls’ dancing troupe.

President Kevin said the weekend cost the Club approx. $1500 that was well spent.

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Beacon Vol 27 No67

This week:
President Kevin welcomed our guests from PP Ron Coleman’s family and guest speaker Carl Coleman Ron’s son and a professional musician working in Copenhagen. Seen here with Ron and President Kevin.

Carl Coleman 006

There was Ron’s youngest daughter Victoria and her Boyfriend Mick, and Carl’s Swedish girlfriend Emily.

Pres. Kevin thanked PP Jim Grouios for making a space in his shop’s store room for a refrigerator to stow our excess sausages and onions, and asked Don Ward to talk about our last Sausage Sizzle at Bunnings.
We made $800 net from the stall and 3.5 cases of soft drinks and sausages left over are being sent to Camp Getaway for next weekend.
Carl Coleman 002

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Beacon Vol27 No.66

This week:
President Kevin Reported on the successful BBQ we held at the Smoking Aces Car Rally last Sunday when . He thanked everyone involved, particularly PP Jim Grouios the organiser. Kevin O’Connor’s 7 Yr old daughter Lily was active in assisting all day . She is shown here with her Dad. Also David and Ross serving snags and onions.
Smoking Aces and Camper Van 004

Smoking Aces and Camper Van 008

President Kevin then welcomed our Guests : Guest Speaker Nicola Rabot and Jim Markovski from The Twentieth Man Fund.

Jim briefed us about the Redskin Basket Ball and Cricket teams coming to Camp Getaway on 29th November for three nights. There will be upwards of 60 Disadvantaged Kids doing a Leadership Program that entails Education, Motivation, Responsibility, Embracing and Empowerment. The Youth Leadership Graduation ceremony will be held at the Footscray Boat Club at 1800 for 1830 on 12th December and our members were invited to attend, Jim also invited us to be on his table at the 20th Man Fund Ashes Breakfast held the following morning. Doug Bews attended, successfully bid for a Merv Hughes cricket bat at auction and donated it to the Redskin’s Cricket Team.

Pink Breakfast: The statement in last weeks’ Beacon that $5000 proceeds of the Breakfast would go to Peter MacCallum Cancer Research was wrong. It has gone to the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute for Medical Research.

Peter Nisbet the Bunnings BBQ Champion is sick and Don Ward has taken over the Champion mantle. A plea was made for more help from members for the Bunnings BBQ Saturday 23rd November which is a big chance to raise lots of money for our Club. If you can help at any stage please let Don know. The current Roster is promulgated below.

0800 to 1100 1100 to 1330 1330 to finish

and clean up
Sandra Prendergast Don Ward
Ross Magor Geoff King David Dumbrell
Ron Coleman Doug Bews Kevin Gunn
Richard McKay Ray Ross Helen Keating
Kevin O’Connor

PP Mick Trezise reminded us about the Camp Getaway weekend Friday 29th to Sunday 1st December, where we will be hosting a group of the Redskins Leadership Group from The Twentieth Man Fund, This requires us to supply and provide meals for around 60 young disadvantaged people while they are taken through a Leadership Program by Jim Markovski and cohorts. It is a good way to get to know these young people and see what they can offer the community. We congregate there on Late Friday afternoon and stay on in accommodation provided until Sunday afternoon, Not everyone needs to stay the full weekend but we need volunteers to make up a Roster.

Please contact Mick with your availability.
Current Volunteers are: Friday and the whole weekend Richard , Don , David and Doug, our Honorary Member Bill Dagg and Andrew if available.

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Beacon Vol 27 No.65

This week:
Our International Director PP Ross Magor : The Hobsons Bay Cluster Bangladesh Toilet Project
Toilet Block-5
President Kevin opened the meeting by congratulating all those who contributed to the Pink Breakfast and made is such a success gaining over $7000 for Breast Cancer research. The Board have allocated $5000 of the total to the Peter MacCallum Breast Cancer Centre and the remainder to the Cancer Council Pink Ribbon. Special thanks went to PP Faye Lanyon the main organiser and special mention of the male Club members performing as waiters.

He also communicated the Board decision to donate two Shelter Boxes to help the survivors of the Philippine Typhoon at a cost of $2000.

We will also sponsor the Royal Yacht Club’s sail training program for disadvantaged children, particularly those who live a long way from the sea and in many cases have never seen it.

We will also investigate sending an Exchange Student to the Czech Republic in January of next year.

His main announcement was that we have a President Elect, being PP Ron Coleman who will preside with two Vice Presidents. Congratulations and thanks to Ron for stepping up for a second time.

Congratulations to Peter and Barb Nisbet on the birth of their Granddaughter Meagan Erwin Nisbet born on Derby Day.

Pete and Barb's Grandaughter

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Beacon Vol 27 No.64

This week:
There was no meeting this week because of the Melbourne Cup.


We are back at our home venue at the Royal Yacht Club of Victoria on 12th November.

This will be the last chance to order Xmas Cakes and Puddings before Xmas. Will those who have already ordered please bring cash payments ($16.50/ item) and those who haven’t ordered please do so and pay at the same time. We currently have 19 ordered and require another 5 to make up the third carton of 8 cakes/puddings.

As already notified we have been engaged by the Smoking Aces Classic Car Show to provide a Sausage Sizzle 0n 17th November, and expect to net around $3000. However to do this PP Jim Grouios requires between 6 and 8 persons on both shifts 8:00am to 11:00am and 11:00am to 3:00pm.
Please volunteer and give your names to Jim at next week’s meeting.

We will also be selling bacon and eggs in the morning. This event is less than 2 weeks away so note it down in your diaries and contact Jim on 0408 991 018 to volunteer. If Jim can’t get enough telephone volunteers he will also ring around to confirm attendance.

Coming up:

Sun., Nov. 17 : Smoking Aces BBQ 8:00am to 3:00pm at Seaworks.
• Sat., Nov. 23: Bunnings BBQ, Millers Rd, Altona North.
• Fri., Nov. 29-Sun., Dec., 1: Camp Getaway @ Axedale with Jim Markovski and Redskins Leadership Group.
December 16th : Xmas party with the Daydreamers at the RYCV.
• March 7, 8 and 9, 2014: District Conference at Jupiter’s Casino, Gold Coast (see Ray Ross).

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Beacon Vol 27 No 62

This week: In addition to our annual visit by the District Governor and his wife we inducted our newest Member
Dianne Whittall, seen here with DG Ross Butterworth, Asst DG Peter Harris and President Kevin.

President Kevin welcomed the Leader of the largest Rotary District in the country and his wife Annette, Peter Harris, Honorary Member Elaine Bird, Dianne Whitall, and Partners Helen Keating, Vicki Grouios, and Marlene Magor.
DG Ross lead off saying that one thing that we don’t do well in Rotary is to share our stories and went on to tell of his epiphany.
Having joined Rotary Club of Melton Valley,(with only 12 members) in 1994 . He was given the Directorship of International Service. With little knowledge and experience he attended the District Assembly and , “the light came on” when he found eye operations in India at the cost of $20 each were being funded with a total sum of $32,000 through the connections of the local Rotary club , the in-country Host Club and Rotary Foundations matching grants.
This was followed by Past President Ron Coleman telling his story of joining the Club 25 yrs ago and being immediately involved in fellowship that included post meeting Fire-side Chats. These often went into the small hours of the morning.
He has also been comparing the Big Bay Swim for 25 years and has made many friends outside the Club through swimmers and sponsors. The Battle of the Bands was one project that he initiated at the Williamstown Tech Campus with many young performers one of whom became the Rock Star Dan Sultan. He was gratified that many members of the Club attended his father’s funeral last month.

Past President Faye gave a briefing about next week’s Pink Breakfast and said that around 80 attendees had already paid. She needs assistance to set up on the evening of 28th Oct and around 6-8 members to act as waiters on the 29th. Mick Trezise is collecting names of volunteers. Are there any members of our club would be interested in making cakes, slices, biscuits etc as we are having a cake stall at the breakfast.
If anyone has any ideas on the silent auction please also contact Faye or David.

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Beacon Vol 27 No.61

This week our District Governor Ross Butterworth and his wife Annette are visiting the club. This is one night in the year when we need full attendance of members and Partners. So please attend.

Last Week : Was our visit to the Bank Restaurant Yarraville and they certainly pulled out the stops to provide us with an excellent menu for $30. (See Below). But our attendance was disappointing as only 14 attended and no partners came. Despite the fairly expensive wine list it was a great night particularly when Bobby Bright took the stage .
Bank Restaurant Menu
Many of us bought Bobby’s new CD that is being premiered next month.

Last week Mario Vella’s father passed away and the funeral is being held tomorrow at 1:30 at Queen St Altona Meadows and President Kevin will represent the Club. Other members would also be welcome.
Thursday 24th October is World Polio Day and while Rotary, the WHO,UNICEF and the United States Centre of Disease Control have immunised over two billion children, many times in very difficult circumstances, the result is that today only two countries remain endemic, Afghanistan and Pakistan. India has been declared polio free, and this dreaded virus now stalks only limited areas of Nigeria. Our club has been asked for a further contribution that will be matched 2 for 1 by the Melinda and Bill Gates Foundation.

Pink Breakfast This is one of our major fund raisers and if you have not registered please do so with PP Faye. RSVP 21st October. All hands will be required on deck to assist the Royal Yacht Club and our Sub-Committee with setting up on 28th and clearing up on 29th October. (See Brochure below)

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